Victim is having Asthmatic Attack (Difficulty in Breathing)
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Advise caller that:
- Keep calm and reassure the victim.
- Get him / her to take her usual dose of her inhaler
- Use a spacer if she has one.
- Ask her to breathe slowly and deeply.
- Sit her down in the position she finds most comfortable; do not let the victim lie down.
- A mild attack should ease in a few minutes.
- If it does not, ask the victim to take another dose from her inhaler.
- If the attack is severe, then the inhaler is not effective and any of the following may occur:
- The casualty is getting worse
- Breathlessness making talking difficulty
- Victim becomes exhausted and unconscious.
- Assess the pulse and breathing
- If there is no pulse and breathing start Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).